Knowledge spurs progressWe aim to learn

Time for change and a new direction. Manitobans, directly and indirectly, are affected by violence across the province. Everyone needs a voice in creating lasting, transformative change. Contribute by participating in our needs assessment surveys! Responses are strictly confidential.

General CommunityManitobans

Manitobans cannot ignore the increasing devastation of crime across the province. We are all impacted, directly or indirectly, and we need to make change for the betterment of all Manitobans, especially those most vulnerable among us. Yet, we must also recognize that we all have a stake in changing outcomes. The level of violence impacts our economy, where we live, and how we live. There is a public health crisis and we must act.

Survivors, Victims & FamiliesVictims of Crime

For too long this fire has raged on, ravaging and decimating families, communities and collectively our communities and province. We know that there is a lack of resources, tools, and supports for victims of crime and those who experience victimization. We welcome your voices in our endeavor to grant funding to organizations offering services and as we advocate for additional funds to serve victims. We are eager for your contributions.

Organizations & AgenciesStakeholders

Stakeholders across many fields, from healthcare to emergency services, community centers and schools, elders and grandmother councils, police and fire services, and other stakeholders aim to create change in many ways for victims of crime and those who experience victimization. Each organization and agency knows the stats and recognizes the crisis. We ask you to register your organization and participate in sharing your views.

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